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Moonstone Pixiu Good Luck Bracelet - Inner Manifestation
Moonstone Pixiu Good Luck Bracelet - Inner Manifestation
Moonstone Pixiu Good Luck Bracelet - Inner Manifestation
Moonstone Pixiu Good Luck Bracelet - Inner Manifestation

Moonstone Pixiu Good Luck Bracelet

$25.00 Regular price $45.00

An elegant bracelet with a combination of Moonstone and Pixiu that gives you more wealth and good health that will benefit your life.



Moonstone Physical Healing Energy

Moonstone may also be used to enhance the assimilation of nutrients, eliminate toxins, and treat disorders of the digestive and elimination systems.

Moonstone can act as a growth stone for children and teenagers and has been thought to slow the degeneration of the elderly. It may also alleviate degenerative conditions of the skin, hair, eyes, and the fleshy organs of the body. It is useful in treating insomnia and creating beneficial dreams. 

Moonstone helps in attuning to the normal rhythms of the biological forces of one's body and to utilize natural energy cycles. It powerfully affects the female reproductive system, enhancing fertility and promoting ease in pregnancy and childbirth, alleviates menstrual problems and change-of-life, balances the hormonal system, and eliminates fluid retention.

Moonstone Emotional Healing Energy

Moonstone has long been known for its calming, soothing qualities on the emotional body. Its energy is balancing and healing, assisting in the mastery of emotions by bringing them under the control of Higher Will, rather than expressing or repressing them.

It also helps identify emotional patterns that are stored in the subconscious and serve as a guardian to contain explosive passions and to stimulate confidence and composure.

Moonstone bestows a depth of feeling, a gentleness within the self that brings happiness to the environment in which it resides. Associated with the feminine, it enhances the intuitive side of the mind.

Moonstone Spiritual Energy

Moonstone was the stone of the gods and goddesses, of hope and spiritual purity through denial of the ego. It combats materialism and strengthens the faith of religious people in all cultures. Hermits, monks, and other contemplatives are withdrawn from society for spiritual reasons find a special affinity for Moonstone.

Moonstone opens the mind to hoping and wishing, inspiration and impulse, serendipity and synchronicity. It brings flashes of insight, keeping one from negatively banishing possibilities. Yet it grants intuitive recognition and allows one to absorb that which is needed from the universe and not necessarily what is wanted.

Moonstone Chakra Healing and Balancing Energy

Moonstone cleanses and dispels negativity from all the chakras, and provides supplemental energy and support in balancing the physical, emotional, and intellectual bodies. It provides spiritual nourishment and sustenance to assist one through all changes. It is also a useful tool in radionic analysis and treatment to help pinpoint problem areas.


Pixiu is a very loyal creature, and will always attempt to rid its owner's life of bad luck and replace it with wealth luckAs an auspicious creature, Pi Xiu is capable of drawing money and best fits for the people who want to improve wealth fortune. 

This mystical good luck creature is the ninth son of the Heavenly Dragon whose task is to provide the blessings of good finance and wealth luck. It has the face of a lion-dog and a single horn. It has 4 legs and hooves, as well as a tail and tiny wings. A very fascinating fact about this creature is that it does not have an anus, so that, despite its never-ending appetite, things go in yet never come out. This is a unique symbolism, indicating that money will come to you but never leave. 

The Pi Yao is believed to offer its owner a minimum of eight blessings, which are named below:

  • Brings fortune and good tidings
  • Producer of good Feng Shui or Earth luck
  • Attracts wealth and prosperity
  • Safeguards the home and the residents in it
  • Exterminates evil, adversity, and obstacles
  • Summons windfall luck
  • Protects from accident during travel
  • Appeases Tai Sui

Product Detail:

  • Material: Moonstone crystal
  • Length: 19cm
  • Weight: 8g

Product Inclusion:

  • 1 x Moonstone Pixiu Good Luck Bracelet


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